You are here: Original Structure > Stockpile Management > Calculate Balance > Balance Stocks Manually

Balance Stocks Manually

Stockpiles Positions assume that you have an initial density attribute to determine the material of the stock group being balanced. When the Balance Stockpile process runs it looks at the attributes of the source location feeding the stock group locations to determine the additional attributes of the stock group, the material of those attributes should continue to default to the assigned material of the stock group being balanced. Refer to the New Stock Balance Page section under the Setup & Administration topic for information on stock balance groups.

Note: Location attributes for a stock group of different materials (including empty) should not exist.


To balance the stockpiles manually select the Balance Stockpiles button to initiate the processes. This process calculates the daily volume, tonnes and average (closing) grade for each stockpile location by material for the period after the stockpile was last locked. Records will only be created or modified when new data has been entered.

Note: The Balance Stockpiles process can be scheduled to run at selected intervals.

Drilled and Blasted Shots

To balance the drilled or blasted shots manually select the Balance Stockpiles button to initiate the processes. This process calculates the daily volume and tonnes for each drill or blasted shot location by material for the period after the drill or blasted shot was last locked. Records will only be created or modified when new data has been entered.

Note: The Balance Stockpiles process can be scheduled to run at selected intervals.